The Workshop

Head of the Laboratory for Structures and Construction
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Z. Ayse Hicsasmaz-Heitele
Haus Bauwesen, Room D323
Phone: +49 30 4504 2527
Staff in the Carpentry/ Model-Making Workshop:
Maik Lesker
Haus Bauwesen, Rooms D E55/56
Phone: +49 30 4504-2517
General Information
A model-building workshop is available to architecture students in room E56 in the Haus Bauwesen. A full-time master carpenter advise and support students in their model-building projects.
The workshop has about 60 workstations and a wide range of machinery. The model-making area also includes a carpentry workshop in room E51.
Working in the model-making workshop
The regular opening hours of the workshop are: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday).
Any changes to opening hours will be communicated in advance by means of a notice.
The stationary machines (Styrocutter, saw, drilling and grinding machine) can be used independently after instruction. When working with these machines, the relevant safety regulations must be strictly adhered to. For safety reasons, the power for the saws, the drilling machine and the grinding machine is switched off during the lunch break.
For working with spray paints and spray adhesives, a painting room with an extraction system is available. Spraying in the workshop and in all other areas of the building is not possible.
Loan service
Various portable machines and tools are available for use in the workshop. We also offer the loan of polystyrene cutting machines.
The following materials can be provided free of charge:
- Polystyrene (sheet thickness 10, 20, 30, 50, 80 mm)
- Wooden strips (from 2 x 2 to 6 x 6 mm / various intermediate sizes)
- Chipboard (10 mm)
- Various adhesives
- Further materials on request
Note: Please check in advance whether the desired material is in stock.
For model base plates, chipboard (10 mm) is available in cut-to-size pieces. The plates can be ordered in the desired dimensions from the carpentry workshop (room E51) and picked up the following day.
If it is not possible to cut or saw materials to the appropriate size independently, there is a cutting service. However, you may have to wait for this service depending on the workshop's workload and the extent of the cutting required.
Please note: If you wish to use your own materials, please be aware that not all materials can be processed in the workshop. To avoid unnecessary costs, please be sure to check with the workshop staff what options are available.
Milling service
The model-making workshop is equipped with a CNC milling machine (2D). This machine can be used to produce very precise model components from a range of materials.
The milling service is primarily available to students for their final theses (Bachelor's/Master's). In all cases, a consultation with planning documents is required in advance.
Note: Please arrange your appointments by phone: 030 / 4504 – 2517, by email: maik.lesker(at) or in person at the workshop.