// SoSe 2024
Documentation of the summer semester 2024
In the summer semester of 2024, outstanding works from the bachelor's and master's programmes in architecture (FB IV) were presented in the ‘Best of’ documentation. The projects covered a wide range of topics, including the design of a co-design lab in Kreuzberg and visions for the future of the Elbtower.

// WiSe 2023/24
Documentation of the winter semester 2023/24
The best of the documentation from the winter semester 2023/24 offers a comprehensive insight into the work of students in the architecture programme in department IV. It reflects the range of projects that were created in the bachelor's and master's programmes as part of this year's cross-semester topic ‘COOL TOWN’.

// SoSe 2023
Documentation of the summer semester 2023
In the summer semester of 2023, a selection of excellent student projects from the Architecture programme in Department IV were compiled in the Best of Documentation. The projects, from both the Bachelor's and Master's programmes, range from the construction of a UNESCO World Heritage Centre to contemporary use of the building material clay.

// WiSe 2022/23
Documentation of the winter semester 2022/23
The best of documentation of the winter semester 2022/23 presents selected projects from the bachelor's and master's programmes in architecture that address the cross-semester topic ‘Low Tech – High Density’.

// SoSe 2022
Documentation of the summer semester 2022
The best of documentation of the summer semester 2022 offers a comprehensive insight into the work of students in the architecture programme in department IV. It reflects the range of projects that were created in the bachelor's and master's programmes.

// WiSe 2021/22
Documentation of the winter semester 2021/22
The Best of documentation of the winter semester 2021/22 offers a wide-ranging insight into the work of the students of the architecture degree programme in department IV. It reflects the spectrum of projects that were created in the bachelor's and master's programmes as part of this year's cross-semester topic ‘planet [A]RCH’.

// SoSe 2021
Documentation of the summer semester 2021
In the summer semester of 2021, students in the Department of Architecture (FB4) developed a range of projects as part of their bachelor's and master's modules. They addressed topics such as creating living space for students and planning a sports district. The ‘Best of’ documentation from the summer semester of 2021 offers insights into particularly successful student work.

// WiSe 2020/21
Documentation of the winter semester 2020/21
A selection of student work from the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in architecture was compiled in the "Best of" Documentation of the winter semester 2020/21. It reflects the range of projects that were created as part of the modules.

// SoSe 2020
Documentation of the summer semester 2020
The "Best of" documentation from the summer semester of 2020 provides insights into the work of students in the architecture programme in department IV. The projects from the summer semester of 2020 in the bachelor's and master's degrees range from the repurposing of a sales hall to the design of a canopy for the university cafeteria's forecourt.