Exhibition of Results for the Semester Topic Mitte

07 February 2019

In the winter semester of 2018/19, all architecture students at the BHT worked on a joint and central Berlin topic: the Mitte project. At the end of the semester, the students presented their ideas and suggestions for Berlin Mitte in the form of plans, projections and models, as well as artistic collages and drawings, at an exhibition of the results of their work.

In the centre of Berlin, the cultural landmarks meet the dark depths of German history. The problems facing the centre of Berlin are considerable. The buildings stand isolated from one another and separated by traffic arteries – the centre of Berlin lies fallow. The diverse structures of a city centre brought to life by homes, shops and culture were destroyed by pre-war urban planning, the Aryanisation of the National Socialist era and the expropriations of the GDR period. The old city squares, such as Molkenmarkt, Köllnischer Fischmarkt and Neuer Markt, were eliminated.


The project sites are located in the south of the baroque city centre and in the neighbouring northern Luisenstadt: from the pavilion at the Flussbad to ideas for the Am Krögel alleyway | from the Graues Kloster to a modern office building at Jannowitzbrücke | from a book of houses at Molkenmarkt to concepts for the old ice factory.


Photos: Raphael Schmidt, Anja Faustmann, Karsten Flögel