Award winners Jan Kottkamp & Leon Schnitzer
1st place / Baunetz Campus Masters, WA Sponsorship Award
Increasing digitalisation and the expansion of online retail as a result of the coronavirus pandemic have rapidly driven vacancies and the desolation of city centres. The typology of the department stores', which is exclusively monofunctional and consumer-orientated, is particularly affected by this. The project Kollektiv Kaufhof deals intensively with this dying building typology. A sustainable concept is being developed for the Galeria Kaufhof in Halle (Saale), which was built in 1993 and has been vacant since January 2023.

The aim is to turn the Kollektiv Kaufhaus into the new heart of Halle's city centre. As a house of participation, it acts as a social catalyst that promotes exchange and the coming together of Halle's residents. In contrast to the desolation of the city centre, the revitalised department stores' creates a place of activity and cooperative urban development. The previously closed-off building will be opened up through targeted interventions. A new flexible shell combines the chaotic patterns of the existing facade into a clear exterior without concealing the original character of the building. This new layer forms a transition from the existing building to the context of the market square. Inside and out, a flexible structure is created that can adapt to different uses.
As an informal location, the department stores' becomes an extended urban space. In its new programme, it combines a market hall, a library, workshops, workplaces, event rooms, laboratories for learning new skills as well as meeting zones and quiet reading areas. A clear organisation of the various uses is crucial for the smooth functioning of the department stores'. Similar functions are grouped together and emphasised. Newly created gallery levels connect the uses across floors. In addition to clearly defined areas, there are flexible spaces that can be organised by users as required.
Text in German and und Illustrations: Jan Kottkamp & Leon Schnitzler, Photo: Janine Seiffert